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What are the alternatives to using bubble wrap?

Bubble wrap is a great unique type of packaging that provides protection against damage of things you are putting into a cardboard box. It is however quite difficult to find bubble wrap near me on the high street, because not many retailers offer bubble wrap. Often the bubble wrap you can find is not recyclable on the high street, so you may be looking to avoid using it, or you may not be able to find it entirely. Many bubble wraps you can buy online are now one hundred percent recyclable. So what are your main alternatives to using bubble wrap for protection?

  • Packing paper is a good solution if you cannot find recyclable bubble wrap, because it is always widely recycled. You will need a lot of packing paper to fully protect something you are putting into a box, but it can be equally as effective. The best method is to scrunch up lots of packing paper to form a layer of cushioning from knocks and bumps, and you can even put a flat layer around objects to stop them getting scratched too. It is a bit like using wrapping paper, but it tends to be much thicker than wrapping paper. You can find packing paper at most stationary stores, or online as well.

  • Tissue paper is another alternative to bubble wrap. Tissue is great for protecting smaller items that are more delicate, such as china plates and glasses, and it will not scratch anything you put it against. It won’t be good enough for the larger and heavier objects, especially if you are moving home, but it is great for protecting small things.

  • Extra strong cardboard boxes. They are a layer of protection in themselves if you buy strong enough boxes, because the sides and walls of the box will not crumble or break under pressure if they are strong enough, and thus will protect the things you put into them. If you use this method, then the box needs to be pretty much exactly the right size for the things you are putting into them, because if they are too large, then the things inside will slide around and move around and break. 

  • Void fill chips are another type of packaging that provide protection from damage. They are chip shaped foam pieces, that are designed to put into gaps within a box to protect the things that you put into the box. They stop things moving around, and cushion blows, much like bubble wrap for moving does. They are a similar cost to bubble wrap too, so they are worth looking into. The only issue with them is that they can cause a lot of mess when you use them, as they can end up going all over the floor. They are hard to find, and need to be purchased from a packaging company. 


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